GraFX announces the release of CVS for Dreamweaver and SVN for Dreamweaver for Macintosh
GraFX ltd. has announced today CVS for Dreamweaver and SVN for Dreamweaver for MacOS. The product is already very popular on the Windows platform. Both versions are meant to add new functionality to Adobe Dreamweaver for Macintosh.
Developers who are using the popular Concurrent Versions System or Subversion System, the dominant open-source network-transparent version control system, now may use it inside Dreamweaver for Macintosh as well.
"As the result of a year of development, we have finally succeeded in launching the Macintosh versions. We have encountered many requests on our
clients' behalf, but the limitations in the Dreamweaver API have proven to come as obstacles. We have now managed to finalize it, and we hope that the
MacOS version will be at least as successful as the Windows one." - has declared Lehel Valics, CEO at GraFX ltd.
What is new in fact in CVS for Dreamweaver and SVN for Dreamweaver? These two solutions are a direct GUI in Dreamweaver for SVN or CVS.
The most popular functionalities used by beginner developers are included, such as commit, checkout, diff, update, new module and the ones for the
advanced ones as well, i.e. diff between tags or tag, branch.
"It was a challenge for us to develop this solution, but every minute was worthy . We are confident that this software will become a must have for IT managers, developer teams, as using it they will be able to control their source code very easily," said Kinga Laura Ambrus, marketing manager
at GraFX ltd.
PRICING AND AVAILABILITY: The price for CVS for Dreamweaver and SVN for Dreamweaver for MacOS is similar to the Windows version, i.e. 69USD/licence.
ABOUT GRAFX LTD GraFX ltd is a Web development company that specializes in innovative online applications. We deliver high-quality solutions based on
the latest technologies to help our clients enhance their presence on the Web, starting from CMS applications to shopping carts, Adobe
Dreamweaver extensions and other web tools. For more information, please visit
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