GraFX Software Solutions offer for download CVS for Dreamweaver version 2.0.0 beta 1
As the result of a few months of development, we are pleased to announce that the version 2.0 beta 1 of the CVS for Dreamweaver is ready for download. What is new in this version? It is totally rewritten, presently having no new functionalities for the moment, but being much more stable, based on C++ Low-level and JavaScript programming. Thus we may add new facilities easier in the future - prepared for version beta 2. How to install: In order to download the version 2.0 beta 1 follow the link to download page (download.php) Uninstall version 1.x. Run cvs4dw2_setup_b1.exe and follow the instructions. When launched, you will be prompted for a user and a key. You may use DEMO for now or if you an existing customers, you can ask for key via our contact page. In BETA version only those who send an answer to this email will receive the key. The final version will include an activation key for those who are already registered. In case you have questions, do not hesitate to contact us. PLEASE NOTE: Even if we tested carefully, can be BUGS in the soft.
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